¡Hola Bonita!
Bienvenidos a Sacred Womb Therapeutics! I am so happy your ancestors led you to me. ✨
My name is Erika and this is my womb story - ​I am 32 years old and TTC (Trying To Conceive). My husband and I have been on our fertility journey since January 2023. I am a planner so when we decided we would start trying to conceive, I bought a plethora of books to help me get a better idea of what postpartum would be like. I didn't even bother with prenatal books or planning for pregnancy books because I had no doubt we would get pregnant right away considering I got pregnant once before in 2018 while in a different relationship. I ultimately made the very difficult and traumatic decision to release the pregnancy and eventually end that relationship.
So with knowing I got pregnant once without trying, I was extremely confident I would be able to get pregnant while actually trying with my husband. However, after several months with no positive pregnancy test, I became nervous. All of the fear I had back in 2018 after reading the paperwork they make women sign that highlights the risks of terminating a pregnancy, started to resurface and affect my confidence and question my fertility.

This fear sent me down a rabbit hole of research trying to find possible reasons as to why we weren't getting pregnant. To our shock, we learned that our chances of getting pregnant, even if we tried at the most ideal time during ovulation, are only about 30% each cycle! With that knowledge, we decided we would try everything to help support our chances to conceive each cycle.
After a year and a half of trying everything we could think of (and being told all of our tests are normal), I scheduled an appointment with a new OBGYN to get a second opinion. She immediately ordered an ultrasound and additional tests. A week later, the ultrasound results came in and it was confirmed I have PCOS. I was upset it took so long for my concerns to be heard but I was also relieved to finally have an answer. Now, instead of trying anything and everything, I am focused on healing my matriz specifically for PCOS. I am giving my matriz a minimum of 6 months to heal before we start trying again. There's nothing more important to me than preparing my mind, body, and spirit for my future baby whenever God decides we are ready.
I have shed many tears on this journey but I have also learned so much about my own womb and the magic it holds. In January 2023 I attended a workshop to learn self-womb massage and got so much more than that. I met so many beautiful womb holders wanting to connect with their sacred space as much as I did. We gathered, we wept, and we healed the deepest parts of us that needed to be loved. It was such a magical experience and one that I have been inspired to share with other women.
Before the workshop, I had never touched or felt or heard my womb. It took me 32 YEARS to make a connection with my matriz, my source of creativity, center of my strength, and ironically the source of my sexuality and fertility. Through this journey I have not only discovered my womb but I have given her a voice. She has much healing to do and is not ready to hold my future children yet and I respect that.
This entire experience has made me wonder how many other womb holders are going through something similar but have not made a connection with their womb. I truly believe everything happens for a reason and that I am on this journey to help other womb holders connect with their sacred space and begin healing from within.
My mission is to support womb holders who are going through a difficult time with fertility challenges or other womb conditions such as PCOS, endometriosis, fibroids, dropped uterus, low back pain, painful periods, PMS and menstrual cycle irregularities (to name a few); My mission is to help support womb holders release unresolved trauma in their womb that may be contributing to feelings of being unbalanced, lost, confused, unheard, or not in control of their own life.
My dream is for all young women and womb holders to be connected to their womb as they begin their first bleed so that they feel confident as they go through natural changes in life. My dream is to be a source of knowledge for them and I ultimately aspire to contribute to a worldwide community of womb holders who support each other with natural womb care practices because when we nurture our womb, we empower our life.
Certified Fertility Massage Therapist
Institute of Somatic Therapy
Certified Prenatal Massage Therapist
Institute of Somatic Therapy
Licensed Massage Therapist, MT.0025985
Swedish Massage
Thai Massage
200-HR Registered Yoga Teacher
Houston Yoga & Ayurvedic Wellness Center
BHAVED Traditional Ayurveda & Nature Cure - Mysuru, India
Ashtanga Yoga Primary Series
Shri K. Pattabhi Jois Ashtanga Yoga Institute - Mysuru, India
BA, Marketing
Houston Baptist University